How Colin Palmer was tracked down

An unbelievable story with a happy ending.

Hi John,

Here is just some of the screen shots from social media this morning, I still cannot believe that this man, Colin Palmer was found. And found by Vic too!

Let me tell you again so that our friends from head office know this good news story, that I think forever will leave me in awe of knowing that there is a higher power than all of us for this miracle to have occurred this morning.

Last night on both our WhatsApp groups in Durban North and Facebook pages for our area, the Palmer family put out a plea that their father had gone missing around 2.30pm yesterday, in their family car. The thing is that this man suffers with dementia. I only looked at the WhatsApp at around 6pm last night, and decided by chance to send this through to Vic, who immediately replied and asked for more information from me, which I got from the admin person of our WhatsApp groups. The man missing did also NOT have a Tracker in his car.

I still replied to Vic on WhatsApp and said, “Just imagine if Tracker found him.” Vic replied that he would circulate to all his contacts.

This morning at 06.45am en route to taking my daughter to school, I received a call from Vic, who always in his most professional manner says to me, “Hi Jax, so I have Mr Palmer with me, he’s actually in my vehicle. He didn’t have much clothing on and is frozen, so I have given him my jacket, and so Jax, where should I take him too?” I couldn’t believe my ears, and had to ask him twice if he was sure.

The unbelievable part is that Vic drove past this man early this morning in an area that he normally doesn’t drive to en route to work, he was up early this morning and had a feeling he should just be out on the road. The man was lost and walking alone freezing in the early morning. Vic also found his car as well, together with car keys still in the ignition further down the road from where he was found.

My cell phone has not stopped this morning from local people in Durban North, as well as both the daughter and son have called me, I have a message now from Wayne the son now telling me his mom is insisting on baking and she wants to know how many people she can feed at the Tracker Durban office and wants to come in and hug and kiss Vic.

Vic delivered Mr Palmer safely to his family at home this morning back in Durban North…. John while this is not a Tracker recovery, this is all about what we are talking about right now, and that’s that Tracker cares!! Vic, I think you and I will forever laugh happily about this one, you are amazing!!! Thanks so much, I know everyone always hassles you with extra favours and you never say no, YOU ARE A TRUE TRACKER HERO!!

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