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One Comment

  1. Letter I wrote to Shaun Ryley (ward 36 coucillor)

    Hi Shaun

    We chatted on Saturday and you asked me to email you the situation regarding the police issuing motorists with parking fines outside Northwood Boys High School on Sat 16 Aug 2014. This is the story.

    On Saturday morning 16 Aug 2014 the police were fining cars parking partially on the pavement and on the island outside Northwood primary school. The people parking there are parent of kids who are playing school hockey. There is no parking for them other than the Checkers and Woolworths parking (once the school parking is full ) which would mean that shoppers would have nowhere to park if they parked in these shopping parking areas.

    The parent’s cars are only parking there for the duration of Saturday morning and they are not obstructing any cars as they are well of the road and there is plenty of space for the pedestrians to walk past the cars. The parent’s cars have always parked there when attending their son’s sporting events and there are no “no parking” signs. I was one of many parents who got a R500.00 fine which is way over the top and totally disproportionate to the offence. In community situations like this, a policy of punishing parents for supporting their kids and parking without obstructing anyone (because there is no other parking) is unreasonable and simply causes justifiable resentment against law authorities. It also creates the impression that Metro Police have nothing else to do other than harass and fleece the community in traditionally white areas to improve their Christmas bonus chances. As our councillor who I voted for, please could you approach the City Council and ask then to show reasonableness towards school communities and not to unfairly harass or punish them for supporting their children.

    I would also like to know what the bylaws specify regarding parking. In this case cars were fined for parking with one wheel on the road in order to not obstruct cars, and leaving plenty of space for pedestrians. I noticed that cars parked in Hoylake Drive (which is off MacKeurtan Ave) whose wheels were also both on the pavement as well as on the road were not fined and yet they were carrying out the same “offense”. Why the lack of consistency ? Everybody knows that when one visits friends in suburbs, one has to park in this way as many people do not have off street parking and parking in the road in a road with only two lanes would totally obstruct traffic. I can understand that if there are no parking signs, then one would be committing an offense, but in this case there were no such signs and nor should there be. It is and will always be the case that when parents attend school functions, they have no choice but to park in this way as there is no other way to park.

    I have received parking fines before and usually they are in the region of about R 100.00. Why suddenly R 500.00 ? Please take this up with Metro. The whole situation is ridiculous and as I said, simply a means to harass and fleece soft targets.

    Kind regards

    Dennis Theron (Durban North rate payer)

    Dennis Theron (PrEng – BSC Elec Eng UKZN)
    DFT Consulting Services
    POB 22173, Glenashley, 4022
    Tel: +27-82-650-8223

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