
Letter to the editor: SA roads – what a pleasure!

"If The Cape can manage their roads with taxpayers' money, and no tolls, why can't KZN do the same?"

I have just returned from a 3 500km one week’s motorbike ride, covering a few provinces. I must say that SA’s roads (apart from a small 20km stretch) are world class and fantastic. 
What impressed me the most were the roads through The Karoo and into the Western Cape. They are immaculately maintained; not a pothole or litter seen for thousands of kilometres. And, different to KZN roads, the farmers all have effective fencing so that no animal can wander onto the road. In total contrast is the Transkei/KZN roadside fencing, which is ineffective or non-existent, allowing cows, goats and sheep to walk into the roads, posing a deadly danger to vehicles, especially motorbikes. 
Lastly, we never came across a toll road in The Karoo and The Cape for thousands of kilometres, and yet their roads are as good, possibly even better, than our KZN roads which are riddled with toll roads from Durban to St Lucia. A motorist has to pay at four separate tolls in a stretch of a mere 200kms.
The question we have to ask is: ‘How does The Cape get it right to offer first world roads without demanding toll fees?’ There is only one logical answer: The Cape roads authorities/municipalities clearly prioritise spending and use taxpayers’ money wisely, with minimal corruption. 
The second question we have to ask is: ‘What is being done with the excess money made from KZN tolls? If The Cape can manage their roads with taxpayers’ money, and no tolls, why can’t KZN do the same? 
Lastly, why do KZN authorities allow farmers’ animals to roam onto our roads? There are no consequences for livestock owners who do not contain their animals. 
No one wins when crashing into a cow!
Derek Krummeck 

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