
Is Meyiwa’s life more important?

An Umgeni Park resident asks why a reward is being offered for a soccer star, murdered on Sunday, yet no such reward was offered for the people who killed his partner.

EDITOR – “White People Afford the Best” letter refers. All I can say Siya is “where have you been for the past 20 years?” Did anyone tell you the ANC government has been in the driving seat since 1994 and that there is no more previously disadvantaged?

There is a whole new generation that has been born. Wake up and smell the roses ( that’s if they haven’t been stolen of course). You mention Oscar Pistorius and Schabir Shaik buying their way out of prison. Well if the current government did their jobs properly and stopped spending our money on their homes, travel and hotel expenses and put money in to a proper police force and justice system and stopped releasing murders back in to society after a short time behind bars, we could then impose stricter sentences on the likes of the two people previously mentioned.

Stop blaming the previous government and the white people of this crime infested country. Start blaming the government in power after all the majority voted them in. Its too easy to blame someone 20 years later and who has absolutely no control on the current government and what they do. Why is there a place called Nkandla worth R245million, the talk of theft of a nation? Please open your eyes to reality, the current government is raping this country of everything they can lay their hands on regardless whether you rich or poor, they will take it including your life. Murder is a common phenomenon these days, check the statistics.

Recently the soccer player that was shot dead in his home (my condolences go to his family and friends) I know what they are going through, to have a family member murdered by intruders is nothing less than cold blooded and total disrespect of life. I want to know why the police have offered up (within 48 hours of his murder) a R250 000 reward and yet when my partner was murdered in our home on August 30 this year, there was no reward offered. What makes one life more important than another. Who gave the police the right to determine who is and who is not worthy of this facility? So please do not come with this previously disadvantaged nonsense.

I am so sick and tired of the likes of you blaming the white world for the desecration the black population has imposed on Africa. Us whites have worked hard, paid our taxes and improved this country, what for? Only to have it destroyed by some people who couldn’t care less. So please don’t talk about unfair privileges. Any privileges enjoyed today is through hard work and planning. Why don’t you try it? Yes I agree much tougher measures should be imposed on criminals, maybe my partner, the soccer player plus many others would be alive today enjoying their lives with their families instead their families mourn and grieve their loss.
I wonder if you would feel any different if intruders broke in to your home, invaded your sanctuary, murdered your family member before running away like the cowards they are.

Alvin Meyer
Umgeni Park

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  1. It is a sad society we live in when one man’s death is lesser than another, purely based on the amount the can bank roll the motivation for justice to be done!

  2. I agree, my mother was shot in the back by armed robbers 12 years ago. No big investigation and it was a battle to even get the police to fingerprint the bakkie that the robbers had been trying to steel but couldn’t get out the driveway. No manhunt or reward for them either. 8 people that were employed by my mom lost their jobs because of her death. We are white and not famous so who cares!

  3. I agree with my brother 100% There is no future for white people in this country and I’m not too sure of the future for the poor black people. You have just got to look at the rest of Africa, filth,war,disease,poverty, rape and the list goes on and on. The SAP to this day have not even taken my brother’s fingerprints and a firearm was found the next day, by a guest, in the swimming pool AT THE SCENE OF THE MURDER. My favourite remark is “WELCOME TO SOUTH AFRICA” (tongue in cheek)
    Keith Meyer

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