Inconsiderate parking infuriates reader

EDITOR – WHAT is wrong with the Durban North drivers that they have little or scant regard for their fellow road users? Anarchy rules on the roads particularly when it comes to parking at shopping centres and I refer to the ones that house Woollies in Adelaide Tambo Drive (Kensington Drive) and in McKeurtan Avenue. …

EDITOR – WHAT is wrong with the Durban North drivers that they have little or scant regard for their fellow road users? Anarchy rules on the roads particularly when it comes to parking at shopping centres and I refer to the ones that house Woollies in Adelaide Tambo Drive (Kensington Drive) and in McKeurtan Avenue.

While ample parking is provided under the centre in Adelaide Tambo, and at the back and front of McKeurtan, there are people that are too lazy and couldn’t care less for other road users who insist in parking illegally on the road outside these centres successfully blocking the view of oncoming traffic to the people exiting from the legal parking and, incidentally parents coming out of the school with their children.

Not wanting to generalise but the culprits often seem to be the drivers of larger than normal vehicles, you know what I am getting at. At McKeurtan the legal parking at the front requires that patrons have to deviate two metres off the road, yet this morning , while there was five parking bays empty, two larger than normal vehicles were parked on the road. Why? Do they really have such little regard for those coming out of the legal parking or is it that their thinking process cannot reach that far?

I really should address this letter to the traffic department but I fear it would have little or no effect so I send it to your newspaper and appeal to those who are the culprits to give consideration to others.

Oh, and I must include those that park at the entrance to the Spar opposite Woollies in Adelaide Tambo successfully blocking the view of the oncoming traffic heading North.

Alan Jarvis

Durban North

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