
Our animals need our protection and respect

EDITOR - As I have just come back from time in the bush (Mfolozi Game Reserve), I am once again in awe at the amazing creation that we get to enjoy.

The peace, tranquility and majesty of our wilderness together with the birds, animals big and small, trees and flowers is awesome to say the very least.

This always unfortunately brings us to the unbelievable cruelty that our animals be they domestic or wild have to endure at the hands of man.

Our greed and self-centered ways are appalling!! From the killing of our incredible rhino, to hunting, to the cruelty domestic animals are suffering daily is absolutely horrific.

It is so vital we change our ways and begin to protect and respect our animals. This, I believe will begin to make us better human beings.

Our thanks and appreciation to the Chinese Embassy for their Memorial service for elephants who have been killed unnecessarily and to all other animal activists who fight for the protection and preservation of our animals. You are to be commended on your unselfish contribution.

Let us report animal cruelty whenever we see it and teach our children to love and respect all animals.

Spend time in the wilderness whenever you can. It is an incredible experience.

Leslie Smillie

Durban North

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