A world of opportunity waiting for school leavers

EDITOR - Wishing all matriculants of 2013 good luck for their exams.

All your hard work, stress and dedication has culminated to this point and now is the time to put all your energy and focus into this last stretch of the race.

These exams are not the end, but rather the beginning of a whole new chapter of your life and what is to come. Once you have completed your exams there is a world of opportunity waiting for you.

It will be up to you to go out and grab those opportunities. Make the most of what life has to offer and continue to strive towards excellence. Knowledge really is power so continue to learn, develop and nuture your skills and talents, because a man who knows how to fish, will be able to feed himself for life.

Hard work and dedication will always be the key to success. Remember that you are part of a bigger picture, so not only for yourself but for your family, friends and for your country. Make the right choices and learn from yours and others mistakes.

Youth makes up the majority of our population and that means you have a lot of power in terms of what you want out of your government and your country, use this power to register to vote and to vote in next year’s elections.

Your goals and ambitions can only be realised by a government who takes your needs and wants seriously, a government such as the DA, where we have proven in the Western Cape to deliver education and jobs, and where the dream of an open, opportune society for all, has been realised.

The world is now your oyster!

Riona Gokool



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