
At the mercy of speedsters

EDITOR - May I, through your newspaper, respond to the comments concerning the request for speed-bumps to be installed in Chartwell Drive in Northglen News dated 11 October.

Firstly, Stanley Grace Crescent. In the area in question, Ridge Road, Marine Drive and Stanley Grace Crescent all have speed bumps in place. This, naturally, causes a large amount of traffic to be channeled down Chartwell Drive.

I have no problem with that per se, but the speed and reckless driving which takes place in this street morning, noon and night, has to be seen (and heard) to be fully appreciated to see how dangerous this is. Chartwell Drive has become a racetrack.

Director Ashley Dove of the Metro Police organised speed trapping on Chartwell Drive recently, and in a short space of time, trapped 11 motorists exceeding the speed limit by large margins.

Is this really to be allowed to continue? Will something only be done when there is a massive accident with multiple fatalities? It is merely a question of time.

Outside my complex, we have already had a telephone pole knocked down, and a woman exiting our driveway, was struck by a speeding car. I myself was almost knocked down walking back from the village by an out of control car which spun off the road and onto the verge. All these events were caused by speeding.

Secondly, I too, am no fan of speed bumps, but until a viable alternative rears its head, we have absolutely no choice but to request them. As for vehicles having to approach the speed bumps at a crawl, that would be far better than what is happening at the moment.

Rumble Strips would be of no use here as then we would have speeding cars making lots of noise! If anyone has anyone alternative suggestions, please let me know immediately.

As things stand, we can’t even get speed-limit signs placed down Chartwell Drive, there is only one half way down, and by the time cars get to it, they are doing 100kph!

I challenge anyone to disagree with us about the situation in Chartwell Drive. If those people who are against any traffic calming measures being used in this street would care and come and stand in the road for a while, would then see exactly what the problem is.

As it stands, we are at the mercy of Porsches, Ferrari’s, delivery vans and mini-busses belting down the road at break-neck speed!

It is to be hoped that sanity will prevail eventually!

Spike Farrell.



Traffic-calming measures not supported

Snr Manager: Traffic Engineering, eThekwini Transport Authority, Nkosinathi Dube replies to Spike Farrell:

In response to your email regarding the provision of speed humps on Chartwell Drive refers.

Please be informed that Chartwell Drive is classified as Class 5 road. Assessment for Chartwell Drive was done and a warrant for speed humps was undertaken in accordance with the Traffic Calming Policy. The warrant provides an objective way of assessing traffic calming requests based on number of criteria including accidents, Community facilities, side distances and sidewalk. Unfortunately the warrant for Chartwell Drive was not met and in the circumstance your request for traffic calming cannot be supported.

Should you require further details and assistance regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this Department.

Your concern in this matter is acknowledged.

Spike Farrel seeks clarification:

Thank you for your email concerning the speeding problems in Chartwell Drive. As you have rejected any traffic calming measures for this road, and the speeding continues at an alarming rate, please would you send me by return of email full details of how this decision was reached. I would require all assessments taken and when such an assessment was done. The names of the investigating officials would be need too. This is being done in the interests of all the residents in Chartwell Drive, and is a matter of great importance to us all. Safety is paramount, as I am sure you agree, and all the information you will send me will be used to protect everyone in this street.

We look forward to your swift response with, as you have offered all details we need, all the information we require.

Nkosinathi Dube responds:

Please be aware that the assessment was done based on the traffic calming policy which the council adopted and uses for traffic calming issues, and also in this case we have applied the same policy in assessing Chartwell Drive. As indicated on my previous email the policy provides objective way of assessing traffic calming request based on criteria including accidents, Community facilities, side distances and sidewalks. However please feel free to call or make an appointment to see the assessment sheet as it is not a public document.

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