
Mandela’s dream was equal opportunity for all

I wish to see normalisation of race relations according to Nelson Mandela’s alleged dream of SA, with equal opportunity for all.

EDITOR – Regarding letters from Siya Mkhize (‘Learn true meaning of disadvantaged in a township’) and P Govender (‘We celebrate our diversity’) in your paper of 13 September, I wish to clarify that I have never had any desire to return to apartheid.

However, I wish to see normalisation of race relations according to Nelson Mandela’s alleged dream of SA, with equal opportunity for all.

Whites are automatically denied nearly all state employment on the basis of colour, are required to get 30 per cent higher marks than blacks to enter universities, and are subject to several other forms of permanent victimisation. Ironically, now even Indians are disadvantaged by affirmative action.

Govender sneers that I’m myopic, but will not take a hard look at this democracy. He brushes aside ‘social ills’ and tells us to celebrate our diversity, although due to incessant and increasing crime, corruption and blaming whites for everything that’s wrong here, there’s nothing to celebrate.

Again I suggest that for this country to have any hope of averting disaster, it will have to normalise appointment and promotion on the basis of merit, not colour, and change the Constitution to rule out racial victimisation.

Regarding Siya’s invitation to spend a week in a township, even Metro police won’t go there!

Roger Layzell


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