Concern over armed muggings in the Glen Hills and Glen Anil areas

There have been four robbery cases reported to the Watch in the last month with only one of the victims opening a case – at the Greenwood Park Police Station. Residents are urged to report these incidents.

THE Glen An-Hills Neighbourhood Watch has voiced its concern over the targeting of pedestrians by armed suspects in vehicles.

In the last month, members of the watch said there were four robbery cases reported but only one was registered with Greenwood Park SAPS.

Avi Pillay, vice-chairperson of the watch, added that in all four robberies on Glen Anil Street, Malacca Road and Ryde Place, a woman was targeted.

“This sort of crime is a concern, and we need the community to be more vigilant. The most important thing is to also report these incidents. The people being targeted are domestic workers and pedestrians. These sorts of robberies have been reported across Durban, but these suspects target lone walkers on isolated stretches. Our advice to residents and workers in the area is to, where possible, walk in groups.

Also read: Armed gang hijack Greenwood Park resident

“What is worrying is that in all four cases, a different vehicle was used. It is common for the victim to be robbed as a vehicle pulls alongside them. In one of the cases on Malacca Road, there were five suspects. Two of the cases have also occurred on a Saturday afternoon when it could be perceived that it’s quieter on the roads. Our appeal, as the Glen An-Hills Neighbourhood Watch, is for residents to report the crimes to the relevant authorities in a timeous fashion. That could be the SAPS, the watch or their security company. We are continuing patrols, but the random nature of this sort of crime makes it more difficult,” Pillay said.

Fellow member of the watch Chris Perold said the recent incidents also highlighted the need for additional cameras in the area.

“As a watch, we’ve undertaken to install cameras at strategic points. I think Avi touched on its importance, but again, we need residents to report crimes to the police as this will also help in the allocation of resources. We are also encouraging residents to share emergency contact numbers with their employees so if they witness any muggings, they can report it to the police, watch or security companies,” he said.

To join or become a member of the watch, visit or email for more information.

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