Road users’ patience wears thin over halted progress on Waterkant Road

Cyclists and runners have been left with no other choice but to find alternate routes to cycle and run on due to the condition of the road.

CYCLISTS and runners who use Waterkant Road as their training route say they have been more than patient the last two years in waiting for the pipeline repairs to be completed.

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The project was prompted due to several continuous bursts that occurred on the road as they were the old asbestos pipes.

“New pipes were installed which are yet to be tested. Once tested, the line can then be changed from the old to the new, however, the testing is yet to take place,” said the area’s outgoing ward councillor, Shontel de Boer.

Resident and cyclist Gilles Quevauvilliers said he uses the route at least three times a week. The designated cycling lane running along Pick ‘n Pay Hyper By The Sea has been excavated to a point where it can no longer be used.

“It’s extremely dangerous to cycle on this road. Not only has the cycling lane on the one side been completely destroyed, but on some sections, the road has also been excavated. This means that cyclists have to move into a car lane to avoid the debris. One of us could be hit by a car,” he said.

He added that some motorists were impatient and inconsiderate and sometimes hooted and tried to push him out of the way.

“This road needs immediate attention so those who use it can do so in a safe manner. At the moment, it is very dangerous,” he added.

The cycling lane on Waterkant Road has been left excavated and in terrible condition, making it impossible for runners and cyclists to use the road.

Quevauvilliers said it was about time the area regained its charm as it is an eyesore and also so cyclists and runners can use it again.

Janine Willmers, chairperson for the Riverside Harriers Running Club, said the club has had to stop using Waterkant Road for their weekly timed trials as it was not safe.

“This was the safest route in the area to use as it was well-lit, flat and very quiet in terms of traffic, especially in the mornings. We now ask members to use their own routes and submit times as we don’t want any members to risk injuries, or even worse, their lives,” she said.

Willmers said they would like the eThekwini Municipality to put pressure on the contractor to complete the project so runners can continue to enjoy their sport in a safe environment.

“We have been patient for long – nearly two years now. That’s a long time for work to lie dormant,” she added.

De Bier said that she had been in communication with the contractor who told her that he would ‘do something about the condition that the road was left in’.

“He was meant to come back to do something, but he hasn’t. The issue is that the new pipeline has to be tested before the road can be reinstated, so if there are any leaks on the new pipeline, they can be repaired before any tar is laid. I agree with residents that the road is not safe and in terrible condition. I have escalated the matter to the municipality,” she said.

The City did not comment at the time of print.

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