GALLERY: Durbanites flock to floating book fair

Launched in 2009, Logos Hope is operated by Good Books for All Ships, a non-profit organisation (NPO) based in Germany.

BOOK enthusiasts were spoiled for choice last week as the world’s largest floating book fair, the Logos Hope, opened its doors to visitors in Durban, following an eight-year hiatus.

The vessel, which is docked at the Nelson Mandela Cruise Terminal, Port of Durban, will be here until June 2.

Launched in 2009, Logos Hope is operated by Good Books for All Ships, a non-profit organisation (NPO) based in Germany.

Also read: Red Cross Society in Durban North still assisting flood victims

Visitors to the Logos Hope will be offered an expanded selection of over 5 000 books that cover a wide range of subjects, including science, sports, hobbies, cookery, arts, medicine, languages and faith at affordable prices. The selection will also boast children’s titles, academic texts, dictionaries, atlases and more.

Logos Hope opening days and hours are Tuesdays to Saturdays from 11:00 to 20:00. On Sundays, they will open at 13:00 and close at 20:00. The ship is closed on Mondays. The entrance fee is R10 per person and there is no need to book ahead. Tickets can be purchased at the door. Kids U12 and seniors over 60 years of age enter for free.

Follow them via their Facebook page-Logos Hope.

A replica of the Logos Hope vessel currently docked at the Port of Durban.
The vessel offers a selection of 5000 titles for the whole family across a wide range of categories.
Aida Munsamy with her daughter, Adeline, a crew member on board the Logos Hope and her husband Pastor Isaac Munsamy.
Damien Armand entertained the crowd with his acoustic skills.
Lynette and Henry Rinkwest were among the guests at the official opening of the Logos Hope’s doors last week.
Durban North author Roslynne Toerien with Jennifer Makepeace.
Zulu dancers also entertained the crowd at the opening as well as dignitaries from the eThekwini Municipality.
Juliette Rainsford, Georg Horcicka and Georgia Rainsford.
Siphesihle Dube and Lamla Dlela hold up two of the children’s books they found on board the Logos Hope.
Matilda Lekala and Nomusa Msani.
Charlene and Theuns Pauw made the trip from Pietermaritzburg for the official opening.
Sanele Ndlovu has a great time shopping for titles aboard the Logos Hope floating book fair.


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