World French Toast Day – 4 toppings to try

Here are four French Toast ideas to try.

DESPITE its name, there is debate about the origins of French toast, but it’s still a bougie breakfast in my book.

The dish is widely considered to be an American recipe, although some websites say a similar meal can be dated back to the Roman empire.

Also known as eggy bread, the base consists of bread dipped into a mixture of beaten eggs and milk before it is fried.

For me, French toast is a meal that brings me back to the Saturday mornings of my childhood. We always ate our French toast with a little marmite, but I also enjoy it with a drizzle of syrup – it’s a simple dish that can be adapted to any preference with savoury or sweet toppings.

In celebration of the special day, here are my top four French toast do-ups:

Banana bliss

So simple and yet so delicious. Fry up some sliced bananas to serve on top of your french toast – add a little syrup or honey and a sprinkling of cinnamon, and you’ll be in banana heaven. You could also serve with a dollop of plain yoghurt on the side to make the dish extra decadent.

Bread of champions

An easy way to elevate French toast is to choose artisanal bread. Try sourdough, French loaf or seed bread to take French toast to new heights. It’s a small change that goes a long way.

Something to relish

Another way to dress up the humble French toast is to add a savoury topping. Tomato or onion relish are great options, and they will pair well with a few sprigs of coriander or parsley and slices of avo.

Say cheese

There is plenty to smile about with this one – so, once the French toast is cooked, sprinkle grated cheese over it and let it melt. Flip the bread over and let the cheese brown a little before serving. This works well with cheddar or mozzarella.

What’s your favourite French toast topping?


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