Glen Hills/Anil neighbourhood watch hosts meet-and-greet

The watch, which covers the greater Glen Hills and greater Glen Anil areas, also incorporated some of the local security companies at the event.

THE Glen An-Hills Neighbourhood Watch hosted a meet-and-greet for its patrollers on Saturday on Rinaldo Road.

The watch, which covers the greater Glen Hills and greater Glen Anil areas, also incorporated some of the local security companies at the event, which also saw the printing of special ID cards for neighbourhood watch members.

Neil Olivier, a member of the steering committee, said the watch has 56 active members, and the hope was to increase that number.

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“This was a way for the various patrollers to get to know each other better and verify their ID cards for the neighbourhood watch. We want members of the community to know who they are dealing with at all times, and we are hoping to build on the brand of the Glen An Hills Neighbourhood Watch. We’ve also started a community WhatsApp group for residents to be a part of and report any crime or service-delivery issues.

“We currently have 56 members who are active patrollers, but we would love to see more residents join. Our goal is to push the number up to 75 members. As first-time responders, we won’t only be focusing on crime, but we will also be on the lookout for water leaks, non-functioning streetlights and other issues. While this event was for the patrollers, we are planning something for the community in the near future,” Olivier said.

Another resident, Kevin Pillay, who joined the watch, said the KZN unrest represented the turning point for him getting involved.

“I wanted to be pro-active. It wasn’t nice sleeping comfortably in my bed during the looting knowing others are taking care of us. I decided then to join and be part of my community to make it stronger,” he said.

To join the watch, click on the link and fill out the form.


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