WATCH: North Durban container murals promote conservation

The shipping containers, which house clean-up equipment and other items for non-profit organisation (NPO) Adopt-a-River, also carry an important message of conservation.

TWO shipping containers on either side of the uMngeni River have been given colourful makeovers by Durban artist Giffy Duminy.

The shipping containers, which house clean-up equipment and other items for non-profit organisation (NPO) Adopt-a-River, also carry an important message of conservation.

The containers were donated by the Oceans Alive Conservation Trust.

On the Blue Lagoon side, a turtle swims with jellyfish with the message, ‘No water, No life’ while at the entrance to the Beachwood Mangroves side, a kingfisher and a Mangroves crab shows how plastic pollution is threatening wildlife along the river and the mangroves.

Durban North resident and founder of the NPO, Janet Simpkins, said the response from Durbanites has been heartwarming.

“So far the feedback has been very positive. I hope we get more feedback and messages as they become known to the many users of the Blue Lagoon and Beachwood areas. I think the message is very apt. We wanted to show the beauty of nature (and what we are trying to protect) but the underlying message is that we have a very serious responsibility if we want to survive,” she said.

Simpkins said the idea to give the containers a makeover was inspired by Giffy Duminy’s work.

“Once we had the containers in place I really wanted to make them beautiful. To mean something more. I’ve followed Giffy Duminy’s work for some time and felt these would be the perfect match. We are very fortunate he agreed to take on the work,” she said.

In all Giffy took two weeks to complete the murals.



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