Resident seeks clarity over family grave site at Redhill Cemetery

Paul Kidgell, whose mother and father are buried on the same plot, has tried, unsuccessfully, to find out why a tombstone of another deceased person was placed on the grave site.

A DURBAN North resident is seeking clarity over the use of a family grave plot at the Redhill Cemetery.

Paul Kidgell, whose mother and father are buried on the same plot, has tried, unsuccessfully, to find out why a tombstone of another deceased person was placed on the grave site.

When Kidgell queried this with cemetery officials, he was told the plot number where his parents were buried did not exist.

“We bought this grave plot in 1995. My father was buried there that same year and, in 2009, my mother passed away and was buried in the same plot. I’ve renewed this plot twice since we purchased it 26 years ago. Then, in 2015, I found another tombstone had been placed on the family grave plot. The tombstone says the person passed away in 1995, which is extremely confusing.

Read also: eThekwini Municipality will reclaim unleased graves older than 10 years

“When I queried this with staff at the cemetery office, they initially moved the tombstone, but it was subsequently re-erected a few months later. I was then told the plot number did not exist. However, I know for a fact that my mom and dad are buried here. I’m not sure where the mistake lies and how to rectify it, but I’m saddened by the situation as I’d like to know the way forward,” he said.

Kidgell said it could be a case where the tombstone was erected erroneously, but is still to get to the bottom of the issue.

“It is a sad situation really as this is a family grave. In the event of my or my sister’s demise, we would want to be buried here, but I’m not sure what happens next. The tombstone could be incorrectly placed there as the grave next to my parents one has the same surname as the tombstone on their plot. There has been much confusion and very little clarity,” Kidgell said.

At the time of going to print, the eThekwini Municipality did not comment on the specific case, however, municipal spokesperson, Msawakhe Mayisela appealed to the public to renew their family grave leases and to claim all unclaimed family graves across the city.


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