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Aviation authority reveals details on fatal helicopter accident over uMngeni River

The crash claimed the lives of instructor Derek Fitzgerald (23) and trainee pilot Richard Morgan (31) in May this year.

DETAILS of the fatal helicopter crash that claimed the lives of two people in May this year have been revealed by the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA).

The crash claimed the lives of instructor Derek Fitzgerald (23) and trainee pilot Richard Morgan (31).

According to SACAA the duo were conducting a local training flight when a bird impacted the helicopter’s tail rotor blade causing the accident.

Related story: Aviation company sends condolences to uMngeni crash victims’ families

“The tail rotor blade subsequently cut through the tail cone skin; and in the process, the tail rotor control bell-crank, the tail rotor drive shaft and the stabiliser were severed. The helicopter pitched down and spun out of control, whereafter, it crashed into the reeds on the bank of uMngeni River,” the report revealed.

“Records indicated that the helicopter was certified, equipped and maintained in accordance with (IAW) the existing regulations and approved procedures. The helicopter had no known deficiencies before the flight and was being operated within its weight and centre of gravity limits,” the report concluded.



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