What is a stroke?

Knowing the B.E.F.A.S.T. warning signs can help anyone recognise when a stroke may be happening.

Stroke awareness means knowing how to recognise when someone is experiencing a stroke.

Knowing the B.E.F.A.S.T. warning signs can help anyone recognise when a stroke may be happening and initiate the 082 911 emergency response is critical to minimizing brain damage.


Our first article is to discuss the B in BEFAST

Loss of balance, headache or dizziness is usually the first sign of an impending stroke.

Question : Does a person have a sudden loss of balance or coordination?

The person may have trouble walking, may stumble, feel dizzy or light headed or experience a spinning sensation in their head.

The cerebellum is the part of the brain at the back that controls balance, movement and coordination, Any injury or disruption in blood flow to this region will affect your balance.

If you experience any of the signs above BE FAST and call 082 911

NETCARE uMHLANGA HOSPITAL – Your centre of Stroke Excellence

For more information, contact 031 560 5500 or www.netcare.co.za 

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