Durban North resident pedals closer to cycle tour milestone

Local resident, Gilles Quevauvilliers, has been putting in the hard yards ahead of the event and said he is in great shape.

DURBAN North resident, Gilles Quevauvilliers (71) was ready to take on this year’s Cape Town Cycle Tour which sees an estimated 35 000 cyclists participate. It is Quevauvilliers’ 34th race.

The local resident was well prepared  after  putting in the hard yards ahead of the event and said he is in great shape.

“This is all leading up to my 35th milestone race. Last year I felt I wasn’t as fit as I should have been and I felt it during the race. So in December last year I made a concerted effort to start my training programme, my diet improved and I’ve been cycling nearly everyday and I’ve now lost between six and seven kilograms. My son Luc has also had a positive effect on me with all the amazing things he does in the name of charity.

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“I feel great and I’m in much better shape this year to complete the race. My goal is to cycle my 35th next year with both my sons. That would be such an amazing achievement and I want them to be my side when I complete it,” he explained.

Quevauvilliers did his first Cape Argus (the tour’s previous name) in 1986.

“I was the chairman of the East Coast Pedal Power Association and at the time a few of the members were going to Cape Town to compete in the event. I decided that I too should cycle the race to set a good example. The camaraderie among the cyclists is special and I think the achievement of completing such a gruelling race is also something I enjoy and that’s what keeps me coming back every year,” he said.

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