Durban North Garden Club on trend with Spekboom Challenge

The challenge encourages people to plant Spekboom because of its power to improve air quality and fight climate change.

AS thousands take to social media to share pictures of South Africa’s ‘wonder plant,’ for the #SpekboomChallenge, president of the Durban North Garden Club, Wendy Clack was on trend as she spoke about the benefits of the plant at the club’s monthly meeting on Monday, 27 January.

The #SpekboomChallenge encourages people to plant Spekboom because of its power to improve air quality and fight climate change. Speaking at the meeting, Clack said Spekboom is a succulent plant indigenous to the Eastern Cape.

“It grows well in Durban because it is suitable for all seasons and weather conditions, making it incredibly adaptable and suited to almost any garden,” said Clack.

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The plant is also easily propagated.

“You can simply stick un-rooted pieces in stony, shallow soil and in no time at all, they will make roots and grow quickly,” said Clack.

Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA) chairperson, Margaret Burger cautioned those taking up the #SpekboomChallenge.

“While the Spekboom does offer benefits, we need to consider what we are uprooting in order to plant the Spekboom,” she said.

Planting a Spekboom in a pot is a great solution and it can be a welcome addition to the kitchen said Charmaine Loydall, who started a Facebook group called Spekboom 2020.

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“Spekboom leaves are edible. They taste a bit sour, a lemon-type taste, perfect to use in salads. It’s high in Vitamin C as well as manganese, cobalt and especially magnesium,and also contains large quantities of the iodine and selenium,” she said.

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