US Bartender got a tip worth R750 000

A very lucky bartender in the United States of America experienced a rare financial boost through a customers lotto ticket tip. How is tipping done in South Africa?

Stuck in the middle of an economic crisis and with an unemployment rate of 29% in South Africa, you get what you take. It might not be your ideal job to work as a bartender or as a waiter, but that is what pays the bills in your household. Some restaurants pay their employees a very basic salary and they are completely dependent on the tips that they receive.

A regular customer at a bar in Missouri, United States, will often buy lotto tickets and give it to the rest of the regulars in the bar and leave a ticket with his cash tip for the staff. Thanks to the customer’s lotto ticket tip with quick pick numbers 14 27 29 59 65 and 12 a very lucky bartender won $50 000 (approx. R750 000) in the US Powerball draw on the 19th of October. She had no plans to quit her job as she knows that this amount won’t sustain her for the rest of her life. She will use some of the money for dental work, pay off debt and invest the rest.

She didn’t win the amount everyone hopes for when they win, but it sure made life a bit easier. Maybe you could make life a bit easier for someone else. Of course, everyone knows there are no guarantee with a ticket, but you can add just a little bit of hope in someone’s life that there might be a slight possibility of getting a pay-out that will sort out more than just this month’s bills.

What is an acceptable tip in South Africa?

Every country works differently with regards to tipping someone that you received a service from. Not everyone will get a tip for services delivered. The amount is entirely up to you, because you received the service. It is most commonly in South Africa to give a gratuity to someone for their service if they do the following:





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