Plastic peppers eMdloti reserve

"Perhaps relying on a caring government isn't working and things are getting worse," said resident, Francois Blaauw.

CLUMPS of litter peer out from the foliage along Bellamont Road in the Durban Metropolitan Open Space System (DMOSS) where concerned residents hope to organise a clean up to address the issue. Francois Blaauw, who lives on the road said the extent of the litter has become more apparent after the bush was thinned out recently.

“I started noticing the problem when the alien invaders were being removed. I think that now, because it is winter, the vegetation is also more sparse, which reveals the litter. It is a protected area, on both sides of the road. We have all sorts of wildlife here including mongeese, monkeys, duikers and all kinds of birds such as guinea fowls, swallows, falcons, herons, eagles and loeries,” he said.

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While motorists who drive by may not realise the extent of the pollution, Blaauw, who travels on a two-wheeled Segway can’t help but notice.

“I use the road every second day and usually travel on a Segway as a eco-friendly alternative to a car,” he said.

Blaauw suspects that the concrete rubbish bins that are spotted along the road contribute to the problem.

“I am not sure where all the litter is coming from, but I have noticed that when the bin liners are replaced, the full bag of rubbish is left next to the bin and I think the monkeys come and break the bags. The bins are also uncovered and litter can be blown out of the bin by the wind or taken out by the monkeys,” he said.

Blaauw said he is new to the area, having moved into his Bellamont home about eight months ago and was hoping to organise a community clean up soon.

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“eMdloti is such a beautiful land with protected natural forests, safe and clean beaches thanks to a lot of community work. Shall we as community just clean the beach and forest? We can even create our own service. Perhaps relying on a caring government isn’t working and things are getting worse,” he said.

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