Domestic workers at high risk says Durban North SAPS

There have been a number of muggings targeting domestic workers in the area.

AS dusk settles earlier in the winter months, domestic workers and employees leaving the Durban North area on foot are vulnerable to attacks, muggings and theft.

This came to light for Durban North resident, Lindsay Hopkins who was running along Prospect Hall Road just after dark at about 5.30pm when a woman started jogging along with her.

“I stopped and asked what she was doing and she told me she was terrified to be walking alone, so I stopped and walked with her,” said Hopkins.

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She urged employers to be mindful of the dangers faced by pedestrians in the area.

“I think employers should really drive their staff to a taxi rank or bus stop, but if that is not possible, the next best thing is to let staff go earlier so that they don’t have to walk in the dark. Beside that, it’s freezing at this time of year. My housekeeper lives on my property, so she doesn’t need to travel after dark, but I always offer to drive her on the weekend when she goes out and I drop her off at church every Sunday,” said Hopkins.

Elise Pone, a domestic worker employed in Durban North said Kenneth Kaunda Road is known as a hot spot for crime.

“I am scared to walk after dark or even in the day if the road is not busy, like on a Sunday. It is dangerous. I am afraid I will be mugged, raped or stabbed and that criminals will steal my phone or money,” she said.

Spokesperson for the Durban North SAPS, captain Raymond Deokaran confirmed that there have been several reports of muggings in the area.

“Domestic workers should try and walk in groups or possibly with a male companion. Rarely do these muggers target persons in groups,” he said.

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Deokaran also urged victims to note down as much information as possible and report the incident to SAPS.

“Ninety per cent of these muggings involve persons with motor vehicles. Sadly victims do not take down the registration numbers of the vehicles involved, possibly because of the shock. Rarely are the victims physically harmed. Victims should report the incident as soon as possible,” he said.

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