Intense protest action halts MK Veterans’ employment

The move to hire MK veterans on a higher wage scale has been halted by the City following two days of intense strike action.

THE eThekwini Municipality released a statement this afternoon saying they have decided to halt their decision to hire members of the MK Veterans on a higher wage scale. The move comes a municipal workers brought the Durban city centre to a standstill blocking major freeways and dumping piles of rubbish in the main streets.

In a statement the city said: “ In view of the current situation, the city has decided to halt the process of engaging fifty-five (55) employees pertaining to task grade 10. This is to allow a thorough review of this process and to conduct an analysis of the impact of this decision to be concluded within 30 days.”

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City manager, Sipho Nzuza said they denounced, with the contempt it deserves, the unbecoming behaviour displayed by some of its employees who are on an illegal industrial action. “While discussions were underway, some workers yesterday blockaded roads with others deliberately driving to the city centre in trucks laden with rubbish, that was subsequently off loaded in the central business district, grounding certain businesses to a halt.

“This has resulted in scores of businesses losing revenue and their employees sent home before knock off time. This illicit behaviour also impacted negatively on rate payers who have nothing to do with the strike. The municipality will take action against employees who were responsible for causing chaos in the city in line with the existing policy prescription,” added Nzuza.

He went on to apologise to residents and visitors staying in the city’s hotels and other tourism establishments for the interruption of water supply and related disruptions that ensued.

“The City has a contingency plan in place to ensure that there is continuous supply all services. The city has been granted a court interdict to prevent further damage to the City’s infrastructure and sabotage of essential services. Based on this court interdict, employees are urged to return to work immediately. Furthermore, the city is going to invoke the principle of no work no pay to all employees that are part of an illegal strike,” said Nzuza.

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