Police seek information to solve Durban North murder case

The motive behind the shooting is unclear as nothing was stolen and the man was found with a large sum of money on him.

POLICE are still investigating a case of murder after a local business man, Alfred Dlamini (49) was shot and killed in his office on Everest Road last Friday at 5pm.

Provincial police spokesperson Captain Nqobile Gwala said there had not been any new developments following the investigation of the case.

“We are still investigating the matter and appeal to the community to come forward with any information that might aid the investigation,” she said.

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Gwala said there were no eye witnesses, although the case was opened at Greenwood Park SAPS.

“He was shot at his business premises, while there were other workers at the premises, no one was in the office where the incident took place,” she said this morning.

Kyle Van Reenen of Marshall Security said the motive behind the shooting is unclear as nothing was stolen.

“From what we could see, nothing was out of place. The victim still had his cell phone and wallet and a large amount of cash was found on him,” said Van Reenen.

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Neighbours called for help when they heard gunshots. “He was declared dead at 5:52pm and shots were fired at around 5pm. Reports from the scene suggest that three men entered the premises, asked to meet with owner, and went into the office,” said Van Reenen.

To report anything, call Crime Stop on 08600 10111.

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