Durban grows to new heights

Durban has 187 square metres of green space per person.

GREENPEACE International has ranked Durban fifth in the world’s cities with the most trees. With a 23,7 percent canopy tree cover, ‘the warmest place to be’ has been given the green thumbs up in a video posted on social media.

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“The city has 187 square metres of green space per person,” read the post.

The East coast narrowly beat Johannesburg which was ranked at number six with 6 million trees and 23, 6 percent canopy cover.

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Amsterdam was ranked tenth with 20. 6 per cent canopy tree cover while Singapore was ranked as the top-tree-loving city with 29,3 canopy cover.

“By 2030 85 per cent of the population will live within 400 metres of a park,” read the post.

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