Eco warrior to row 4800km across open ocean to raise awareness

Hoping to raise awareness about environmental conservation, Grant Blakeway will embark on an epic 4800 km solo row across the ocean from the Island of La Gomera to the Caribbean on 12 December.

ON 12 December this year, Grant Blakeway plans to embark on an epic 4800 km solo row across the ocean from San Sebastian on the Island of La Gomera in the Canary Islands to the English Habour, Antigua, in the Caribbean on 12 December to compete in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge.

His mission is to make people aware of plastic pollution. The Northglen News met Blakeway, a Peacevale resident, at a beach clean-up near the Beachwood Magroves some 44 kilomentres from his home earlier this month. He was part of the #CleanBlueLagoon team lead by Glenhills resident, Dale Johnson.

“We can try and clean up but as we saw on the beach at the Umgeni Beach cleanup, how much can one person do? So the way forward is to try and make as many people as possible aware and also educate. The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge seemed an ideal event as it generates a huge global audience of in excess of 3 billion people, and in this way we can start to make people aware, we have started to get good traction on our social media which is very exciting,” he said.

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According to Blakeway, there are 33 teams competing in the race: eight solo rowers (including Blakeway and fellow South African, John Dempster), seven doubles teams, one trio team, 16 four crew teams and one five man team

Blakeway is currently training in the gym while his boat is being built.
“Training is difficult, as there are no ocean rowing boats around to train on, so I train in the gym, and get time in on my kayak, while still trying to run a business. The boat is rowed sitting on a seat similar to a sculling boat, using two oars to row, one in each hand. The boat is being built by Leven Brown in Scotland and is an Ocean Rowing Boat,” said Blakeway.

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In addition to creating awareness about pollution, Blakeway plans to raise funds for charity.
“The charities that I have partnered with are The Two Oceans Aquarium Education Foundation, Ocean in Motion outreach program that goes out to teach rural kids who cannot get to the aquarium, about the ocean, and The White Sharks Project, recycle swop shop, that teaches kids to recycle by bringing in waste and cashing it in for stationery for school,” he said.

To find out more, follow @teamblakeway on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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