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Celebrate PACT’s birthday at La Lucia Mall park

This year the non-profit organisation celebrates its seventh birthday party and they have urged residents to come out and support their party at the La Lucia Mall park.

IT is said that the heart of a volunteer is not measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.

This is certainly true for Neeri Naidoo who founded the Phoenix Animal Care and Treatment (PACT). This year the non-profit organisation celebrates its seventh birthday party and Naidoo has urged residents to come out and support their event at the La Lucia Mall park.

“We’ve achieved so much since we started PACT in 2012 and we wanted to celebrate our milestones and that is what this event is all about. We’ve rescued and re-homed more than 5 000 animals since inception and that’s a figure we are very proud of.

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“However, on the flip side we feel like we haven’t even touched the surface in terms of the number of animals out there that need help. This for us is about giving thanks to the community of north Durban who have done so much for us,” she said. Our party also doubles up as an adoption day and we’ll have a few puppies who need good homes.

Most of our fosters, and people who adopt the rescued animals are from this community. I’m encouraging as many people to come out and support our event as much as they can.

“There’s going to be some great fun on the day with a fancy dress competition for owners and their pets and there’ll be loads of kids activities and fun games. If residents would like to donate on the day they can as we are still trying to pay off our bill at the Ridge vet.”


PACT’S seventh birthday party will be held on Sunday, 31 March at the La Lucia Mall park. The event starts at 11am and runs until 3pm. There will also be activities for young children, food stalls and prizes to be own. There is also a fancy dress competition for attendees and their pets. Birthday gifts in the form of dog and cat food are welcome. For more information, contact 061 706 1119. 

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