High tide for change with Blue Lagoon beach clean up

The #CleanBlueLagoon (CBL) movement celebrated its third birthday recently.

AS the #CleanBlueLagoon (CBL) movement celebrated its third birthday on Saturday, 16 March, Roland Smith who was the event manager for the day said that 300-400 bags of litter had been collected by an estimated 150 volunteers.

This after the recent floods left the beach and lagoon covered in litter.

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Volunteer, Nazneen Adam who picked up litter with her son, Usayd said the at least half of the litter had been picked up.

“I was here two days ago, after the litter washed up. It’s so much cleaner now, it’s amazing. Well done to all who helped to clean up,” she added.

Smith said that polystyrene posed the greatest concern.

“It breaks up into small pieces and floats in the water where fish end up eating it. Something needs to be done about it and that’s down to manufacturers and consumers. We must all just do out part, even if it’s something small like refilling a reusable water bottle instead of buying plastic bottles,” he said.

Dale Johnson, who founded the CBL movement said: “Thanks to all the volunteers and sponsors over the last three years. “Each one of you has made an enormous contribution to turning our small group into a huge movement for community spirit; environmental awareness and ocean loving. The work continues. I will see you April 20 for #CBL year four.”

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