Resident praises strangers’ act of kindness

Considering the crime statistics in the country, being greeted or approached by a stranger after your car breaks down could be seen as a red flag. However for Rautenbach, the stranger only approached her for good reasons.

LOCAL resident Mariena Rautenbach said she’s still in awe at how much goodness roams the streets ‘after dark’.  Earlier this month, Rautenbach  was driving home from work around 7.40pm.
She said she heard a strange sound on her car. Upon stopping she realised that her tyre had run flat.

“It was around twenty to eight in the evening. I was traveling on Uitsig Road coming from work at Milldene Park Retirement Village when I realised my tyre had run flat. Trying to keep calm I phoned a friend hoping they could assist but sadly they couldn’t. While I was trying to figure out my next move a gentleman greeted me from across the road,” she said.

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Considering the crime statistics in the country, being greeted or approached by a stranger after your car breaks down could be seen as a red flag. However for Rautenbach, the stranger only approached her for good reasons.

“With his hands in the air the gentleman shouted, “Mam I’m not here to rob you. I’m here to help’. The way he presented himself, his mannerism and making sure that I was comfortable with him helping is an act of kindness I will never forget,” said Rautenbach.

And while his gesture appreciated, she said the stranger, who lives on Old Millway could not help her because he recently had an operation on his arm. A few minutes later, a young couple pulled over and the male started changing it.

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“While the young man was trying to change the tyre more people stopped, offering to help. In total I’d say more than ten people or six cars stopped to assist me. I was surprised how much of a caring community we live in,” she said.

Just after 8pm the tyre was changed and Rautenbach said she drove home safely.
The La Lucia resident said, “I’d like to thank every single person that stopped to assist me. Their acts of kindness just shows that there is still good people in our community.”

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