‘Watch your tail’ warns leading tracking company

Criminals are becoming brazen so don't let your guard down.

ONE of the leading car tracking companies in the country has warned motorists not to let their guard down, as it says hijackers are becoming more brazen. Most people go about their daily routine and regular driving activity without much thought, simply jumping in the car and driving off.

However, Tracker South Africa has encouraged motorists to start paying more attention.

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“Criminals are becoming brazen and pouncing on unsuspecting individuals wherever the opportunity presents itself, even in broad daylight and at locations that are perceived as safe and secure; for instance, outside of business premises, housing estates and shopping complexes. These locations generally have security personnel stationed at the entrances, access control and an abundance of video cameras. We need to be wary as a criminal act can happen anywhere and at any time. Don’t believe it could never happen to you,” the company said in a statement.

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Executive Operational Services at Tracker South Africa Ron Knott-Craig added:”Criminals are most likely to strike when you least expect it and you’ve dropped your guard. It’s important that you are vigilant at all times and that you are aware of your surroundings and able to get away should the need arise.”

The company has given motorists these tips to keep in mind:

· Be aware – Don’t be an easy target. While driving, be vigilant about your surroundings. Also, be alert and on the lookout for suspicious persons or vehicles.

· Watch your tail – Pay close attention to ensure that you are not being followed. If you think you are being followed drive to a police station.

· Don’t be flashy – In some cases, hijackings occur not for the vehicle itself but for the valuables inside. Avoid driving with your valuables in plain sight.

· Be prepared – Have your access card or driver’s licence ready to ensure that you can pass through the boom gate of an office park or housing estate as soon as possible. Also, don’t talk on your mobile phone while entering any premises as attackers are relying on you being distracted and vulnerable.

· Drive on – If something looks suspicious as you’re approaching an access-controlled area, rather drive off and come back later. Have a back-up plan in case of an emergency.

· Testing, testing – Regularly test your tracking device to make sure it’s working, including the assist button if your device has one.

· Keep calm – If you are hijacked, remember your life is worth more than your valuables, so keep calm, co-operate and try to get away as quickly as possible.

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