Section of Rinaldo Road set for overhaul

The road rehabilitation project is set to start on Monday, 10 September.

TWO sections of two different roads in Glenhills are set for road repair in the coming weeks. According to ward councillor, Pete Graham, Rinaldo Road (between Moreland Drive and North Coast Road) is earmarked for the project.

Graham said the City’s Pavement Management System (PMS) had identified the need for urgent repairs due to the deteriorating sections of road. The City’s PMS collects and provides information on the condition and maintenance needs of the road network.

“Every two years the City undertakes an assessment of road pavement structures, structural design of roads, the testing of asphalt, concrete and compaction of road layer works. The deterioration of this roads has seen them push the project forward and as far as I understand, Rinaldo Road (lower half) will be affected on both sides which may affect traffic flow,” he said.

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“The work involves the removal of existing upper pavement layers, i.e. asphalt, the replacement of those layers and the re-instatement of road markings. I realise other sections of Rinaldo Road are also in need of attention. I will keep pushing the city to ensure they fulfil their duties with the rehabilitation of the road. This project will also involve other roads in my ward and if there are any changes I will update the community via my Facebook page,” he said.

The news however, has not been welcomed by the entire community of Glenhills. Robin Candy, chairman of the Greenwood Park CPF and Allamanda Road resident believes money should be put towards the complete resurfacing of Rinaldo Road.

“This a main arterial route coming off the North Coast Road and also going towards the N2. The traffic volumes have increased over the years and the road has been badly affected by it. I feel the City should rather put their money towards fully resurfacing of Rinaldo Road rather than repairing only a small section of the road. I’m sure many residents feel the same way, the road needs to be resurfaced.

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“During the heavy downpours in October, Rinaldo Road turns into river and the already compromised sections of the road could be damaged further. The road surface around the manhole covers have also begun to chip away and could damage vehicles travelling on the road,” he said.


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