Street light accident drowns resident in debt

It was around lunch time when a street light pole suddenly fell, smashing John Hurley's Peugeot 206.

A DURBAN pensioner’s life has become a nightmare following his visit to uMhlanga on Tuesday, 14 August. The Musgrave resident was driving in the streets of uMhlanga when a street light pole suddenly fell, smashing his car.

“I stopped at the circle to give way to motorists who got there before me. I heard a big bang, which I initially thought was a bomb exploding. The long iron street light on the side of the road had fallen, smashing the left side of my vehicle,” Harley explained.

According to him the pole had been unstable for quite some time. He said it was around lunch time when it finally succumbed to the wind smashing his Peugeot 206.

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“A lady that works in the vicinity said she had observed that the light was not stable. She said on windy days it would sway from side to side,” he added. 

According to local councillor Heinz de Boer establishing who is to be held accountable in incidents like this is difficult at this stage.
He however added that the City does have an insurance department from which residents can claim.

“I am aware of Mr Harley’s situation. At this point it’s difficult to point fingers but I have been in contact with the victim and tried to assist. I’ve sent him the forms he needs to fill in to lodge his claim from the City,” said de Boer. 

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After the accident Harley’s vehicle was towed to a Sunningdale workshop which is now charging him R25 000 for repairs. The pensioner said he doesn’t even understand how fixing his Peugeot 204 could cost so much.

“When the tow truck towed my vehicle they said I would not be charged for towing. I told them not to take my vehicle because I know they charge exorbitant amounts. I am just a pensioner. I don’t even know where I will get so much money,” he said.

He said because his accident was a result of a City pole, he also appealed to the municipality for assistance but has not gotten a response.

“I still don’t understand how a light pole would just fall unprovoked. I lodged a complaint with the municipality but I’ve received no response from them.” 

The City was not available for comment at the time of going to press.

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