
Progress at Redhill Cemetery not enough

The neighbourhood watch has begun to replace razor wire along the Redhill Cemetery fence saying the City was taking too long to address security concerns.

IT has taken more than a year for the municipality to fix certain sections of the Redhill Cemetery fence along Girvan Avenue. While repair work has been completed on Girvan Avenue, the news has offered scant consolation for the Mvoti Neighbourhood Watch who have been at the forefront at requesting the City to repair a number of security concerns at the cemetery.

Several gaps and openings are still visible and have not been repaired on Ryde Place, which in recent years had become an entry and escape route used by criminals.

Another area of concern is the lack of razor wire over sections along Girvan Avenue due to overgrown trees damaging the security barrier and in some instances razor wire has been stolen by scrap metal dealers. The watch through their own initiative and pocket had as an interim measure put up fencing around the collapsed cement walls at the cemetery to prevent thieves from using them as escape routes.

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They’ve now also begun replacing razor wire along the compromised sections of the fence and have put up new wire along Melrose Avenue.

“This is being done out of sheer frustration and lack of feedback,” explained local resident and neighbourhood watch member, David Williams. “We’ve also asked the City to remove the alien invasive trees and clear away trees compromising the fence but we are met with a stony silence. We simply cannot wait for the City. The sections along Girvan Avenue took little more than a year to repair. Incidents of crime have spiked in the area as well.

“I’ve sent an email every month requesting help or seeking assistance with issues around the fence, alien vegetation and overgrown trees that need cutting back. The lack of communications is deeply frustrating and speaking to councillors, they too face a similar problem where they are not able get any feedback,” he said.

Read also: Lack of communication over Redhill Cemetery issues


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