Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, Mfundo’s the man

After years of sleeping on icy concrete floors during winter and fighting off mosquitoes in summer, Mfundo Hadebe met a person who he says changed his life forever.

FROM rummaging through dustbins for food to being the man in charge of the kitchen, Mfundo Hadebe says he’ll forever be indebted to a Good Samaritan who picked him up from the streets. Due to unbearable circumstances at home, the Verulam youngster was forced to find a home in the streets of Durban. After years of sleeping on icy concrete floors during winter and fighting off mosquitoes in summer, Hadebe met a person who he says changed his life forever.

The 23-year-old who is now under the care of the guardians at the ICare Centre, was shivering on the side of the road when the centre’s outreach worker, Donation Mbambo referred him to the organisation.

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ICare is a non-profit organisation (NPO) on a mission to solve the problems of street children in South Africa through Christian faith and by understanding and addressing every aspect of each child’s needs.

For most people living on the streets, drugs are the only way to escape their realities. Three months after being taken into the centre, Hadebe was sent to a rehabilitation facility, where it was discovered that he is also profoundly deaf.

“When we took him in we discovered that he is profoundly deaf, which lessoned the chances of him being able to catch up on academics. He has been on the streets for almost five years,” said social worker, Sbongile Mkhize.

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According to Mkhize, Hadede is a naturally hardworking person who is constantly looking for something he can do to keep busy. Upon realising that catching up on academics was not possible for Hadebe, ICare enrolled him to a skills programme.

“After he said that he has an interest in baking, he was enrolled to a baking skills programme. Mfundo is very hardworking and is always eager to learn and help where he can,” she said.

Rising above all odds Hadebe is currently doing a Baking Course at Hibiscus College. He said he’s grateful to Mbambo who took him to the ICare centre.

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“I’d just like to thank him very much. I can’t begin to imagine where my life would be if he did not see the potential in me,” said the shy Hadebe.

In efforts to help him with his hearing, the centre has also organised for Hadebe to see various specialists. I Care have taken him to an audiologist, who in turn has referred him to an ear, throat and nose specialist. He in presently on treatment, prior to surgery, and will then have a hearing aid fitted.

ICare once again request that the public do not give street children any money or food, but rather support ICare. Contact them on 031 572 6870 or visit

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