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COSATU not joining Wednesday’s general strike

The Congress of South African Trade Unions has distanced itself from a planned national strike against a proposed minimum wage.

SOUTH Africa’s biggest teacher and education workers’ union SADTU and an affiliate of COSATU, will not take part in a nationwide strike planned by the South African Federation of Trade Unions (Saftu) on Wednesday, 25 April.

Saftu said on Monday it would embark on a general strike on Wednesday over what it termed a ‘declaration of war by the ruling class of white monopoly capitalists, who are trying to get Parliament to pass new laws which will entrench poverty and threaten workers’ constitutional right to withdraw their labour.’

COSATU said members who are going to take to the streets on Wednesday need to know the strike is not protected because their union has not called for the strike.

Read also: Strike action set for Durban and other major cities

“We want to categorically refute the lies peddled by some Saftu leaders claiming that COSATU will join their strike on Wednesday. This is done deliberately in order to cause confusion among our members.

“We urge SADTU members not to be misled to heed Saftu’s mischievous call to embark on an unprotected strike that will result in no work, no pay. SADTU will never support the strike because as an affiliate of COSATU, we support the National Minimum Wage that will see an increase in salaries of more than 6 million workers who are currently earning less than R3 500 a month, which is much more higher than the R1 800 which business and employers were insisting on.

The union did however confirm Cosatu rallies and marches for all over the country on Tuesday, 1 May.


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