Paris ‘illustrates’ how to defy the odds

An autistic Parkhill resident, Paris Subraya has shown her strength when she was chosen as an illustrator for a well-known author's book.

AUTISM spectrum disorder, refers to a range of conditions characterised by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviours, speech and nonverbal communication, as well as by unique strengths and differences.

An autistic Parkhill resident, Paris Subraya has shown her strength when she was chosen as an illustrator for a well-known author’s book.

The 12-year-old Subraya was home schooled by her parents with a curriculum specially designed for her.

Speaking to the Northglen News she said being chosen for something like this was an honour. “Autistic children can achieve anything they want to achieve like any other person. Some can be better hairstylists or illustrators like me,” she said.

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Subraya started sketching and painting at a young age. Her mother, Sheraine Reddy, said over the years they have received about five offers for her daughter to paint and sketch professionally.

“We’ve received many offers for Paris to professionally showcase her art. We turned all the previous offers down because we felt she was still too young to work,” she said.

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Reddy added that they discussed the recent offer with their daughter, who convinced them that this kind of exposure may be the big break her career needs.

“Paris is currently doing her illustrating diploma. We felt that agreeing to her illustrating this book will boost her confidence,” added

Subraya continued sketching during the interview and added that art was a form of escapism. “When I’m painting or sketching I feel safe and good. I feel like I’m back to myself,” she said. The book Subraya is expected to illustrate has not been named yet as the author is still working on it.



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