Body of baby found in mobile toilet

The body was found floating in the toilet facing down.

GREENWOOD Park police have opened an inquest after the body of a baby was found in a mobile toilet in Briardene. The fully-developed baby was found when staff, employed by the mobile toilet company, emptied the tanks. The body was only discovered on Monday morning.

The owner of the company said the toilets had been rented out for an event held at the stadium last weekend.

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Greenwood Park police spokesperson Sergeant Vincent Mthembu said they were trying to track down the mother who dumped the baby.

“This is inhumane. The person could have had an abortion at a clinic or hospital. This act is punishable by law. As police we will investigate and try to make sure that justice for the innocent baby is served,” said Mthembu.

The body was found floating in the toilet facing down.

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