Hijackings are on the increase nationally–know how to stay safe

Crime statistics released late last year indicate that 45.8 hijackings occur every day in SA. The 16 717 reported incidents constitute the highest recorded number in a decade.

There is little doubt that hijacking has only grown as a threat to South African motorists, and that sophisticated syndicates have found lucrative markets for stolen vehicles. The simple fact of the matter is that if you haven’t been the victim of this type of crime already, you may quite easily become another statistic.

If there’s a silver lining to the dark cloud, however, it’s that hijackers are generally more interested in your vehicle than they are in you and your children. Here’s a quick reminder as how to, firstly, avoid the situation, and secondly, minimise the chance of any injury to yourself or your kids.


With this in mind, however, syndicates are often looking for a specific vehicle, and they will do their best to obtain the one they want – including impersonating the police. This is why you have to know how to act.

Staying safe

Unfortunately, a hijacking is a traumatic event for even the hardiest of characters, including men, which means that some counselling with a professional is not only a good idea, but mandatory – especially for children.

Emergency numbers to keep in your phone:

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