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SARS lambastes media amid commissioner suspension

President Cyril Ramaphosa said Moyane's leadership at SARS had resulted in public finances being compromised.

SOUTHĀ African Revenue Service’s commissioner Tom Moyane has been suspended, pending investigationsĀ into tax administration and governance of SARS.

Moyane’s suspension was announced by president Cyril Ramaphosa on Monday night. Hours before his suspension the revenue service lambasted media, saying they were out to ruin the tax collector’s reputation, referring toĀ reports which alleged thatĀ  suspendedĀ  Moyane, illegally authorised a VAT payment of R70 million to a taxpayer.

Also read:Ā SARSĀ to investigate non-compliance in religious sector

SARS said the allegations against Moyane are false, adding thatĀ he acted within the law.

“This allegation was reported despite ample proof that he, Moyane, had no role in the payment and had acted within the law. SARS is concerned that this negative media campaign deliberately undermines significant successes and other achievement that reveal the organisation is solid, focused and efficient in carrying out its mandate,” said the Revenue Service

Also read:Ā Pay up or face the music saysĀ SARS

In a letter to Moyane, president Ramaphosa said his leadership at SARS has resulted in public finances being compromised.

ā€œDevelopments at the SARS under your leadership have resulted in a deterioration in public confidence in the institution and in public finances being compromised. For the sake of the country and the economy, this situation cannot be allowed to continue, or to worsen,ā€Ā  wrote Ramaphosa

The Minister of Finance has announced Mark Kingon as the acting SARS commissioner.

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