How to develop an eco-friendly garden

Gardens can be developed to positively contribute to the environment. How can this be done?

Gardens play an important role in lessening pressure on the environment. Depending on the steps and approach you take, your garden can make a positive impact on the slowing down of climate change, cutting energy use and reducing waste. Below are some ideas which can assist in making your garden eco-friendly.

Consider companion planting

The most beautiful and healthy gardens are those with a diverse mix of plants. Furthermore, certain combinations of plants are said to complement each other to boost growth and vitality. Marigolds, for example, are said to help deter unwanted flying and soil insects from plants. Tall plants can also naturally provide shade for more sun-sensitive and shorter plants.

Set up a compost bin

Compost is the most important supplement you can have in your garden’s soil. Not only is the process of composting an easy way to give your garden the nutrients it needs to grow, it’s also a more satisfying solution for both your wallet and the environment. By adding compost to your garden, you’re essentially introducing new and beneficial micro-organisms that will help aerate the soil, break down material to encourage further plant growth, prevent plant diseases from spreading, retain moisture in the soil, and it serves as a natural alternative to chemical fertilizers.

Re-use and recycle

A large part of reducing waste is to reuse what you already have, such as fencing, vegetable peelings, plant clippings, and even a water bucket to decrease the amount of fresh water you use when looking after the garden. Plastic bottles and wooden containers can all be reused in a variety of ways around the garden. Plastic bottles, for example, can be used as seedling protectors by cutting off the base and placing them over the seedling patch.

Pest control products

Use the right products at the right amounts and at the proper time of the year. When using such products, follow label instructions carefully, understand the products you are using and make sure they will be effective for the task at hand.

Use reclaimed water

Using  recycled water or treated sewage water for irrigation of landscapes is a great water conserving practice as it greatly reduces the need to use portable water or well water for irrigation.


Your garden landscape is bound to change with time. If you have a problem with part of your landscape that requires extraordinary inputs of water, pest control or labour week after week, it is advisable to make drastic changes.

The ideas listed above should assist you achieve an eco-friendly garden.


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