
Police warn motorists about N2 hijacking, robbery hotspot

Police said the intersection of the M25 turnoff has been the scene of a number of armed robberies.

GREENWOOD Park police have warned residents and motorists to be vigilant at the N2/M25 (near Old North Coast Road) off and on-ramps. This comes after a spike in a number of robberies and two hijackings at the intersection in the last month. According to Sergeant Vincent Mthembu, spokesman for the station, police had increased patrols in the area but still urged motorists to be wary.

“We’ve had a number of armed robberies at this crossroad. People are being robbed of their belongings like laptops, wedding rings, cell phones. The suspects are normally armed and after robbing the unsuspecting victims flee on foot into the nearby bushes. In another recent incident, they hijacked two trucks on two different occasions in the same vicinity. In one of the incidents, the suspects used a small van to box in a truck, they threatened the driver with a firearm and made him lie on the back seat of the truck.

Read also: Suspects linked to Durban North robberies arrested

“The suspects then commandeered the truck and drove to one of their spots where they removed the trailer. The driver was taken back to the freeway and dropped off by the suspects, who left the truck behind. The second incident followed a similar modus operandi, the suspects held the driver at gunpoint before blindfolding him and driving the truck and again removing two trailers. The truck was taken back to the N2 freeway without the trailers and left behind,” he said.

Mthembu said they were appealing to residents to report any suspicious behaviour.

Read also: Gateway gaming store robbed by armed men

“We appeal to the members of the community to come forward with any information which can assist in arresting those criminals to contact Greenwood Park Saps 031 5716512/3/4 or 10111,” he said.


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