5 moments in Parliament we won’t soon forget

SONA 2018 is finally underway and South Africans wait with bated breath to see how it unfolds. Here are some memorable moments in parliament from previous years.

The State of the Nation Address takes place on Friday 16 February. A total of 1 120 guests are expected to arrive at Parliament where South Africa’s new President Cyril Ramaphosa will give his first SONA address under his new title. The current mood seems jovial at Parliament but will it remain this way?

Guests make up all sectors of society, including youth, women, representatives of statutory and Constitutional institutions (such as the Chapter 9 institutions supporting democracy ), international organisations, Heads of Foreign Mission (the diplomatic corps), representatives of the House of Traditional Leaders, the Mayor of Cape Town, representatives from civil society organisations, religious bodies, state-owned enterprises, business and trade organisations, trade union federations, academic and research institutions.

Here are some moments from SONA South Africa won’t soon forget:

1. When EFF caused chaos at SONA 2017

2. When COPE’s Willie Madisha mocked Minister Naledi Pandor on her accent in 2015

3. When Mbuyiseni Ndlozi of the EFF accused a minister of sleeping in Parliament in 2016

 4. When Bathabile Dlamini body shamed another MP

5. Mandela’s last speech at SONA


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