ANC has recalled Jacob Zuma

The NEC decided to recall Zuma after he refused to resign.

THE African National Congress (ANC) National Executive Committee (NEC) has formally asked President Jacob Zuma to resign after he refused to do so earlier.

At a media conference at Luthuli House‚ the ANC headquarters‚ secretary-general Ace Magashule said President Zuma has not been given a deadline to respond to the recall letter delivered to him this morning.

The ANC’s NEC, the highest decision making body between party conferences, deliberated for more than 13 hours on Monday over President’s Zuma’s fate, announcing their decision to remove him from office following weeks of speculation regarding the president’s future.

The announcement followed a dramatic week in which parliament announced the postponement of the State of the Nation Address that was scheduled for last Thursday. This, while the leadership of the ANC held what was described as leadership transition talks with President Zuma.

On Tuesday, Magashule said the decision to recall 75-year-old President Zuma was taken in order to “provide certainty” to the people of South Africa


Here’s how South Africa reacted to the news.

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