ANC NEC has decided to recall Jacob Zuma as head of state

Zuma reportedly refused to resign after days of negotiations between himself and ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa. Here's what reportedly happened at the ANC NEC special meeting on Monday 12 February.

The ANC’s National Executive Committee (NEC) decided to recall Jacob Zuma as head of state after a special meeting on Monday 12 February that lasted 13 hours.

The ANC will now invoke section of its constitution, which deals with the recall of a president.

The ANC has not made a formal announcement.

Zuma reportedly asked to stay for the next few months to attend an African Union meeting and the Brics (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Summit.

According to reports the NEC has decided that Ramaphosa must be sworn in as President.

At about 10.30pm, Ramaphosa left the meeting and drove to Zuma’s official residence in Pretoria to inform him of the NEC’s decision that he should leave office. About 90 minutes later, Ramaphosa’s cavalcade returned to the hotel to report back to the NEC.

Here are some tweets on the matter




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