Woman pepper-sprayed in Broadway mugging

This is the second mugging on Swapo Road in two days.

POLICE and security personnel are looking for a man who pepper-sprayed a woman during a mugging on Swapo Road (Broadway) on Saturday morning. According to Crisis Medical’s Kyle van Reenen, the 25-year-old was walking along the pavement when she was confronted by the suspect.

“He pepper-sprayed her eyes before grabbing her cell phone and running off. The victim had to be taken through to Addington Hospital and is in a great deal of discomfort. The suspect involved in the mugging is still at large,” he said.

The incident comes two days after another armed mugging on the same road near the service station. According to Captain Raymond Deokaran, spokesman for the Durban North SAPS, the second incident took place on Thursday afternoon.

“The victim had just been to Hoylake Drive where he had a job interview. As he began walking up Broadway, going towards the service station he was approached by two suspects. They pretended to ask for directions and when the victim said he didn’t know one of the men held him while the other stole his wallet and cell phone. They then fled on foot and are still at large,” he said.


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