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Generous donation to bird park following cyclist’s stabbing

Wife of mugging victim shows her thanks to Umgeni Bird Park staff.

AN Umgeni Park resident has reached out to staff of the Umgeni Bird Park after they came to the aid of her husband who was stabbed last week. Joan Wilson, met with staff on Friday to say thank you for saving her husband’s life. She handed over chocolate cupcakes, as well as a cash reward of R500 and a card showing her gratitude to the staff.

Brad Wilson was cycling along the mountain bike trail when he was accosted by two men. The men robbed him of his cell phone before stabbing him in both of his legs and upper arm. They then pushed him into the river with his bicycle before fleeing the scene.

“They saved my husband’s life. If he had been anywhere else it could have been a very different case. The staff could have totally ignored him and waited for the police but they didn’t. They let me speak to him and he told me where he was and that he had been stabbed. It was only when I began driving to the bird park that his words really hit home. Even though we live close to the bird park it felt so far away.

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“When I arrived on scene, I found him surrounded by love which was just incredible. They were his saviours, they made sure he was safe. They didn’t have to do anything, they did this out of the goodness of their hearts. It’s rare in this day-and-age to find people who want to help or get involved. I’m so grateful for everything they did,” Joan said.

Tarryn Bristow, who works at the bird park explained how the events unfolded.

“We were just clearing things up because it was just after the gale force winds and one of the staff members, Khaya, came running in and told us there was a gentleman who had been stabbed. We dropped everything we had and got the first aid kit and began tending to his wounds and calling police, security and the ambulance service. This is an incredibly kind gesture,” he said.

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