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Thieves remove window pane, rob La Lucia family

According to Sun Cell Watch, the La Lucia incident was one of two break-ins on Thursday night.

AN Oakleigh Avenue family fell victims to a house break-in on Thursday night. According to Craig Ardendoff of Sun Cell Watch, the thieves picked away at a window, opening it and removing it before getting into the house.

“They stole a laptop and a wallet. The family were asleep at the time of the break-in. Just as the suspects were on their way out the indoor, beams picked them up and they fled. Thankfully the family were unharmed in the incident,” he said.

A second break-in was also reported on the same night on Marine View Drive in uMgeni Park.

“Thieves derailed the resident’s gate, walked down into the property and stole a vehicle,” he said.

Earlier this week, Virgin Active in La Lucia was broken into. Thieves stole a laptop and an overhead projector.


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