Pitch in and help clean your community

Meet on Saturday afternoon from 2pm to 5pm at the corner of Rinaldo and North Coast Roads.

THE site at the corner of Rinaldo and North Coast Road has been strewn with illegal dumped litter.

A mess that local resident and environmental champion, Dale Johnson is having none of. Johnson is on a mission to clean up the patch of grass.

The #CleanBlueLagoon initiative organiser who regularly cleans up beaches along the Durban North stretch of beaches said his plan was to tackle the mess along with a few volunteers. He posted his appeal on the popular Durban North Neighbours Facebook group asking members of the community to assist him in a clean up.

Also read:320 bags collected at #CleanBlueLagoon clean-up

He said: “I can’t be the only one hating this rubbish on the corner of Rinaldo and Northcoast Roads. I was toying with complaining to the municipality but thought it would be more successful to just tackle it ourselves. Anybody can join me Saturday afternoon from 2pm to 5pm.

“I am paying a guy to help me so would be great to have a few others join to just get it looking better. They cut down the trees but didn’t come back for the rubbish that was hidden.”

When speaking to the Northgen News Johnson added: “Volunteers must please wear closed shoes, bring garden gloves and rubbish bags if they can.”

Also read:LISTEN: Rosehill residents tackle crime in clean-up

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