7 tips to avoid phishing scams

Phishing scams are one of the most common means of obtaining sensitive information of individuals or organisations.

PHISHING scams remain a constant threat to the public the South African Police Serice announced earlier today.

It is for this reason that the SAPS have issued a number of tips on how to deal with or avoid these scams.

Phishing is an email-based attack when a malicious email is  sent to you with the purpose of you disclosing sensitive information about yourself or the SAPS. It is also the most common means of obtaining information to attack an organisation or unsuspecting users.

ALSO READ: Fake Google phishing message hits Gmail

SAPS warned that the fake emails can look legitimate.

Follow the following tips to avoid falling victim to phishing scams.

ALSO READ: Guility plea in nude photo hack reveals ‘phishing’ scam


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